Adding some more judges, here and there.
[and.git] / lib / Mi manual de algoritmos / version_world_finals_2009 / src / grafos / mincostmaxflow.cpp
1 const int MAXN = 105, oo = INT_MAX / 2 - 1;
2 int cap[MAXN][MAXN];
3 int cost[MAXN][MAXN];
4 int flow[MAXN][MAXN];
5 /* Uso:
6 Llenar cap y cost.
7 Llenar flow con 0s.
8 Invocar la funciĆ³n.
9 */
10 pair<int, int> min_cost_max_flow(int N, int source, int sink)
11 { int flowSize = 0; int flowCost = 0; int infinity = 1;
12 while (2*infinity > infinity) infinity *= 2;
13 // speed optimization #1: adjacency graph
14 // speed optimization #2: cache the degrees
15 vector<int> deg(N,0); vector<vector<int> > G(N); for (int
16 i=0; i<N; i++) for (int j=0; j<i; j++) if (cap[i][j]>0 ||
17 cap[j][i]>0) { deg[i]++; deg[j]++; G[i].push_back(j);
18 G[j].push_back(i); } vector<int> potential(N,0); while (1) {
19 // use dijkstra to find an augmenting path
20 vector<int> from(N,-1); vector<int> dist(N,infinity);
21 priority_queue< pair<int,int>, vector<pair<int,int> >,
22 greater<pair<int,int> > > Q; Q.push(make_pair(0,source));
23 from[source]=-2; dist[source] = 0; while (!Q.empty()) {
24 int howFar =; int where =;
25 Q.pop(); if (dist[where] < howFar) continue; for (int i=0;
26 i<deg[where]; i++) { int dest = G[where][i];
27 // now there are two possibilities: add flow in
28 // the right direction, or remove in the other one
29 if (flow[dest][where] > 0) if (dist[dest] >
30 dist[where] + potential[where] - potential[dest] -
31 cost[dest][where]) { dist[dest] = dist[where] +
32 potential[where] - potential[dest] -
33 cost[dest][where]; from[dest] = where;
34 Q.push(make_pair(dist[dest],dest)); } if
35 (flow[where][dest] < cap[where][dest]) if
36 (dist[dest] > dist[where] + potential[where] -
37 potential[dest] + cost[where][dest]) { dist[dest] =
38 dist[where] + potential[where] - potential[dest] +
39 cost[where][dest]; from[dest] = where;
40 Q.push(make_pair(dist[dest],dest)); }
41 // no breaking here, we need the whole graph
42 } }
43 // update vertex potentials
44 for (int i=0; i<N; i++) potential[i] += dist[i];
45 // if there is no path, we are done
46 if (from[sink] == -1) return make_pair(flowSize,flowCost);
47 // construct an augmenting path
48 int canPush = infinity; int where = sink; while (1) { int
49 prev=from[where]; if (prev==-2) break; if
50 (flow[where][prev]) canPush = min( canPush,
51 flow[where][prev] ); else canPush = min( canPush,
52 cap[prev][where] - flow[prev][where] ); where=prev; }
53 // update along the path
54 where = sink; while (1) { int prev=from[where]; if
55 (prev==-2) break; if (flow[where][prev]) {
56 flow[where][prev] -= canPush; flowCost -= canPush *
57 cost[where][prev]; } else { flow[prev][where] += canPush;
58 flowCost += canPush * cost[prev][where]; } where=prev; }
59 flowSize += canPush; } return make_pair(0, oo); }